Reservations dict:

Every key is a registration type id which references another dict of amount and quantity. Quantity must be 1, amount is whatever the user paid.

reservations = {
133796 = {
amount = 0;
quantity = 1;


Default Questions (defaultQuestions key)

Default questions key is a Json string. It is a dictionary of dictionaries. Every dictionary contains data for default questions of the attendee such as Work Info, Job Title, Phone...

For Example below is a response which contains default question data

defaultQuestions = "{"86":{"answer":"9173333333","type":"0"},"53":{"answer":"Boomset","type":"0"},"54":{"answer":"CEO","type":"0"}}"

In this example, the keys 86, 53 and 54 reflect Cellphone, Company Name and Job Title. In every dictionary, there are answer and type keys. Type is always 0 and answer contains the data for this question. The key list is below.

45: Prefix
46: Suffix
47: Email
48: Phone
53: Company Name
54: Job Title
55: Work Phone
56: Website
86: Cellphone


Custom Questions (customQuestions key)

Custom questions key is a Json string. It is an array of dictionaries. Every dictionary contains data for default questions of the attendee such as Work Info, Job Title, Phone...

For Example below is a response which contains Custom question data

customQuestions = (
answer = 76276;
qID = 1039930;
type = 1;
answer = 76278;
qID = 1039931;
type = 1;
answer = 76279;
qID = 1039931;
type = 1;
answer = Tradeshow;
qID = 1046115;
type = 0;

In every dictionary, answer contains the response to the question. If the type is 0, then the answer is a raw data and entered as string. If the type is 1, then the answer is an objectID for that specific question (Object IDs per question can be obtained from the API)
qID is the object ID of the question which also can be obtained from the API

01Admin Panel
08Registration page
14Imported CSV
23Offline iPhone app
24Offline iPad app
26From within Boomset
27Boomset API
Paid typeMeaning
4Not Paid
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